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Missions and Outreach

Journey Church exists to reach people who are disconnected from God and lead them to become fully devoted followers of Christ.

Missions and Outreach

At Journey Church, we believe it is all about expanding God’s Kingdom. Jesus came to seek out and to save the lost throughout the world. Following Jesus on that mission, we have a passion for our community, our nation, and our world. By sharing the love of Christ in practical ways, we desire to be involved in God’s activity wherever He leads. Our vision is not just to grow Journey Church, but also to be a part of reproducing God’s Church throughout the world.

Local Outreach

There are many amazing ministries in our community! We have partnered with several of them to share the hope of God’s love to our neighbors. We also have opportunities throughout the year to bless those in our community with simple acts of kindness. We want to be a church that is out loving our community and letting people know how much God loves them, so that — in the good times and bad –they know we’re here for them!

Autauga Interfaith Care Center (334) 365-4080

Provides food, clothing, financial assistance and spiritual needs for the needy in Autuaga County, Alabama.

River Region Pregnancy Center (334) 365-8266

A crisis pregnancy center in Prattville that extends care, love, encouragement, and most importantly, the facts, in the belief that women’s lives can be changed forever – breaking the cycle of defeat. 

Elmore County Baptist Association  (334) 567-7321

A network of churches in Elmore county working together in mission and ministry in his kingdom.

Welcome Food Pantry  (334) 285-0150

This ministry exists to show God’s love and compassion by assisting those struggling with food insecurity.

Alabama State Convention (800) 264-1225

The Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions is one of the three mission boards, including the North American Mission Board and International Mission Board, supported by Alabama Baptists’ gifts through the Cooperative Program.

Family Home and Parenting (334) 224-2330

Family Home & Parenting addresses the social, individual, and generational challenges families face and create programs that can turn the tide one family at a time, bring to realization the benefits of having strong, vibrant, healthy, and safe families.

Flatline Ministries

Based out of Montgomery, Flatline Ministries is a group of urban missionaries that host men, women, and marriage ministries to produce believers who are doctrinally sound, spiritually mature, culturally relevant, and evangelistically engaged for the cause of Christ Jesus.

Hope Inspired Ministries (334) 649-4330

Hope Inspired Ministries (HIM) was founded in Montgomery, Alabama in January of 2012, to serve chronically unemployed individuals by preparing and equipping them to obtain, maintain, and excel at employment. 

Village Church

Launched in August 2023, Village Church is a church plant based in Wetumpka. They have a mission to be a family of believers who reach the hurting and disaffected by showing their community a picture of Jesus really is.

National Outreach

Our National partners work focuses on church planting, church revitalization, and Kingdom-minded humanitarian efforts throughout the US. Journey Church doesn’t just believe in Kingdom-work happening in Central Alabama; we want to empower national organizations to make an impact for God’s glory.

Campus Outreach Birmingham (205) 776-5500

Stationed on 8 college campuses in Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi, Campus Outreach is committed to spreading the gospel exponentially through evangelism and discipleship and connecting students to the local church. They are committed to building laborers includes establishing them with Biblical theology, intimacy with God, Christ-like character, ministry skills, and stewardship.

Blanket Fort Hope

Based out of Pelham, Blanket Fort Home is a ministry designed to restore child sex trafficking survivors through access to essential services, compassionate care, and a loving Christian witness.

The WellHouse (800) 991-9937

The WellHouse purpose is to provide residential, therapeutic programs to female victims of human trafficking who have been sexually exploited, offering medical, spiritual, mental, and emotional care.

Standing Stone Ministries (970) 264-9329

Standing Stone has a mission to guide ministry leaders into healthy ministry, and healthy ministries help spread the good news of the Gospel to their neighborhoods, communities, and cities.

Sacred Road Ministries

Sacred Road was launched in 2005 with a burden to love their “first neighbors” on the Indian Reservations of Washington State. Since then, the Lord has equipped the ministry to love their “first neighbors” by redeeming broken lives, restoring hope to the oppressed, and rebuilding the communities on both the Yakama and Warm Springs reservations.

Harvest Evangelism

Harvest Evangelism has a passion to create safe places for the community to hear the gospel and be discipled. Through His Place for men and Hosanna Home for women, this ministry provides a Christian-focused rehabilitation program for those struggling with life controlling issues.

YOUR Church

Launching in September 2024, YOUR Church is a church plant in Las Vegas with a mission to empower people to unleash the love of Jesus into their city and into the world.

Bridge the Gap

Bridge the Gap is a rehabilitation program with a mission to provide safe, supportive, Christ-centered environment for men who struggle with life-controlling issues.

Global Outreach

Our Global partners are focused on seeing the gospel touch every nation, tribe, and tongue! From the moment Journey Church was launched, it has been one of our core values to support missionaries and organizations around the world who passionately proclaiming the name of Jesus. These Global partners don’t just preach; they establish themselves in every aspect of communities around the world to show the wholistic impact of the gospel.

Compassion International

Since 2022, Journey Church has partnered with Compassion International in their mission as a child-advocacy ministry pairing compassionate people with children living in extreme poverty to release the children from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty. Together and through Compassion International, Journey Church supports over 200 children in Ethiopia.

Christian Missions Unlimited

A volunteer organization that helps individuals grow through mission opportunities while helping to build churches throughout Brazil.

Call to Africa

Connecting Kingdom minded ministries and churches from the USA to frontline Local African Church Ministries based on partnerships between credible leaders.

Gospel Link

The vision of gospel link is to provide as many people as possible the opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ and to help them to grow spiritually by empowering national preachers.

Africa 4 Jesus

Africa 4 Jesus is a Discipleship ministry where we focus on running and opening up sustainable discipleship schools within South Africa, Africa and the rest of the world.

Water for Life

Building water wells all over the world so people can have fresh, clean water.


Today, more than a billion people on the planet are trapped in the darkness of Bible Poverty. There are more than 3,617 language groups with little or no access to Scripture. IllumiNations seeks to remedy that.

World Vision

World Vision partners with children, families, and their communities to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.

Overland Missions

With a team of 198 missionaries living in 15 countries, managing 22 ministry sectors, Overland Missions focuses on both the physical and spiritual needs of people as they transform forgotten peoples by making disciples and developing leaders.

Doulos Partners

Doulos Partners helps to empower indigenous leaders around the world to advance the Kingdom through evangelism, discipleship and church planting.

Handbook & Welcome Packet

•    The parent must complete the necessary registration forms and pay a non-refundable Annual materials fee. This covers registration fees, book, and materials for class.

•    The parent must provide the center with a pre-school/child immunization certificate, or Blue Slip. This is to be kept updated, if it is not, the center will send out a notice stating that the required immunizations are out dated. The form can be obtained through the health department or your pediatrician.

•    The parent will receive a copy of the policies and procedures and will go over them thoroughly. The parent will sign the Parental Agreement form which indicates policies and procedures and agreed upon fees.

•    All enrollment forms, including a Schedule Information Form, must be completed by the parent and returned to the center by the first day of attendance.

•    Parents of children with special needs or handicaps must inform the director of the child’s condition(s) prior to enrollment so it can be determined if the center can adequately meet the needs of the child. This is necessary for the well being of the child.